Crucial Concerts: Annie DiRusso, Hannah Cole

Pride in Local Music, Brownout's 20th, the Late Joys' farewell, and more live music

This is a blurb from The Austin Chronicle’s Crucial Concerts column. Read the whole column here.

Annie DiRusso, Hannah Cole

Antone's, Monday 26

With a recent EP named God, I Hate This Place, Annie DiRusso and her Tennessee teammate Hannah Cole claw their way to Austin. Singer-songwriters at heart and indie rock stars in their sensibilities, the Nashville artists complement each other like a nice wine and cheese. DiRusso brings the fire (and bright red hair) with songs like "Emerson," emitting bottled-up teen angst set to electric guitars and bluntly honest lyrics. The softer side of the night comes from Cole and her Phoebe Bridgers-esque poignant ballads. Look no further than "Best Day," a woodsy acoustic tune about nostalgic longing for times when everything felt good.


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